Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
First Year B.Sc. (Nursing) (Basic)
Degree Examination- April 2009
(Revised Scheme)
QP Code - 1676
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay (Answer any TWO)
- Name the parts of respiratory tract and describe lungs in detail with applied aspects
- Name the parts of the central nervous system and describe the cerebral hemisphere with blood supply and applied aspects
3. Describe the Esophagus in detail
Short Essay (Answer any Eight)
- Nasal cavity
- femoral artery and its branches
- Urinary bladder
- Salivary glands
- Radial nerve
- Synovial joints
- The diaphragm
- Portal vein
Short Answers
- How is superior vena cava formed and where does it terminate?
- Name the bones forming the thoracic cage
- name the ossicles of the middle ear and their functions
- Name the muscles of the mastication and their nerve supply
- Name the parts of the pancreas and its blood supply
- Where is spleen located? Give its four important functions
- Give the branches of the abdominal aorta
- Name the parts of the autonomic nervous system and their functions
- How many spinal nerves are there? Give their number region wise and their functional components.
- Give the origin and termination of the thoracic duct and the area drained by it.